Online registration applications are no longer available as this meeting has ended.
Thank you, we look forward to seeing you soon!
Online registration applications are no longer available as this meeting has ended.
Thank you, we look forward to seeing you soon!
If you wish to be added to a waitlist for this event,
please select "Add to Waitlist".
If a spot becomes available, you will be contacted via email. You will have 48 hours to accept, otherwise you will forfeit your spot in line.
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By Mail
IADR General Session & Exhibition Registration Center
11208 Waples Mill Road
Suite 112
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA
By Phone
Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm EST
1-888-414-7127 (International)
or +1-517-549-4508 (within the United States)
By Fax
By Email
All registrations are subject to the cancellation policy. Cancellations must be made in writing by the deadline date; telephone cancellations will NOT be accepted. Refunds or credits will not be given for failure to attend, late arrival, unattended events or early departure. Refunds will be processed 8-10 weeks after the meeting.
On or before March 2, 2020: Refund less $50 USD cancellation fee
After March 2, 2020: No refund
If you are unable to attend the meeting because you were denied a visa, you will be granted a refund only if you submit a copy of your visa rejection letter and proof that you applied for a visa no later than two weeks after abstract notification letters are sent (approximately December 17, 2019). Non-presenters are encouraged to apply for a visa as soon as possible, but also no later than two weeks after abstract notification letters are sent. If you meet these conditions, a refund will be issued less the cancellation fee above.Please note that no refunds will be issued for additional fees paid for express shipping of invitation letters and/or Accompanying Person registration cancellation due to visa denial.
If you need to cancel your event tickets (including Breakfast Breakthrough, Hands-on Workshop, Meet-a-Mentor Lunch, Symposia or Dental Materials Group Reception), registration for the IADR Academy / AADR Faculty Development Workshop, and/or Accompanying Person registration, a full refund is available until March 2, 2020. After that date, no refund is available for these additional items.
If a refund is requested for both meeting registration and membership dues, both the registration cancellation fee and the membership dues refund processing fees will be withheld. If a refund by wire transfer is requested, please contact the Global Headquarters for additional information and fees.
Without exception, all valid requests for refunds must be received in writing no later than 15 days after the end of the meeting.
Refunds will be processed 8-10 weeks after the meeting. Refunds of $30 or less will be treated as a contribution and will not be refunded. Refunds due to overpayment or changes to an existing registration (such as from non-member to member rates) will be subject to a $20 processing fee. Express shipping fees for invitation letters are non-refundable. No refunds of less than $100 will be issued by wire transfer. If a refund by wire transfer is requested, please contact the Global Headquarters for additional information and fees. Also, see Cancellation Policy.
IADR does not allow meeting registration substitutions. Registration fees may not be transferred to another person. Delegates unable to attend the meeting after having paid must cancel his/her registration. The new delegate must then register separately and the pay the appropriate registration fee. This same policy applies to abstract presenters. If the original abstract presenter has already registered for the meeting and can no longer attend, they are required to complete the online Abstract Withdraw/Presenter Change & Refund Request form: https://www.iadr.org/2020IAGS/Refund-WithdrawlForm for evaluation. If approved, the replacement presenter must then register and pay the applicable rate.
IADR reserves the right to review each registration for the appropriateness of the selected registration category and make any necessary corrections. For example, a full-time faculty member that chooses the Accompanying Person or Student rate will be corrected upon review. IADR reserves the right to charge his/her credit card the difference in registration fees.
You selected yes to requiring a Visa letter. Please click here to complete your letter.